It’s Time to Pull The Plug…

Kevin Russell
4 min readApr 20, 2020
Salvador Dalí — Metamorphosis of Narcissus 1937

A system that constantly gives its voters the choice of two evils is a system that is itself evil.

Definition of evil

1a: morally reprehensible

2a: archaic : INFERIOR

I can’t think of a better metaphor to encapsulate the death throes of a generation than a life long politician with dementia and a reality-TV-star narcissist fighting for the throne of a failed system.

These dinosaurs are frantically pulling out all the stops to stay in power. The Meteor, however, has already made impact, igniting the curtain and revealing the reality of our situation. Infinite growth on limited resources leads the world into the ultimate prisoner’s dilemma.

When I was nineteen, I remember sitting outside my construction job site listening to Howard Stern shortly after the towers were hit on 9/11. It was surreal, and for me, it was the first glimpse of the dinosaur generation perpetuating wars and propaganda to keep the lifeblood of their system pumping at any and all cost.

Many have said it before, Trump is a symptom. Well, so is Biden. Two beacons of a failed system. The answer is not to vote, it’s to revolt. Revolt against the failed system run by dinosaurs.

Eric Weinstein’s impassioned call for Revolt

Definition of revolt

1: a renouncing of allegiance (as to a government or party)

2: a movement or expression of vigorous dissent

As much of my life was defined as pre-9/11 and post-9/11, I feel a new chapter is emerging with the current pandemic. The world has ground to an unprecedented halt. Our leadership has been anything but leaders and the voices of reason are found on stoner-comedian-cage fighter-commentator podcasts. There is no normal we are going back to and there is no place in the new system we will build for the dinosaurs to survive.

We are the life support of the old system. It’s time to pull the plug.

Safe Travels Father ❤

This analogy of pulling the plug resonates deeply in me. A few years ago my father fell into a coma. For weeks, we watched his system be augmented by machines. Our family would debate over when would be the time to let him go, to accept our new reality without him in it.

To contemplate that reality was not in my capacity at the time. Neither is contemplating the system we will build in this next chapter.

Here is what I do know. If we were to keep him on life support, what I considered my father would fade further with each mechanical breath of his ventilator. So too will our system.

Our current system of governance has lost what it was created for… us. Its gears and levers are augmented for profit over people, power, and greed over our humanity.

Greed has poisoned men’s souls, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical. Our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery we need humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost…. -Final speech from The Great Dictator

The plug is our compliance with the old system. We pull it with civil disobedience. We will be asked to get back to work, regardless of personal safety, for the economy. To go back to the way the dinosaurs want us — is to keep the mechanical ventilators pumping the exhaust suffocating our humanity out of us.

We are each being shown the dire results of the system they wish us to continue. Covid-19 creates the tragedy of drowning in air. An apt metaphor for all life on earth and the pollution the old system has pumped into our air, suffocating and killing 60% of animals in my lifetime alone. If we don’t pull the plug, we will all go the way of the dinosaurs. Is this the system we want to go back to?



Kevin Russell

Father, futurist, researcher, philosopher, Keynote Speaker